Bill Tunney Announced as HDBA Life Member



The Hamilton Baseball Umpires Association would like to congratulate our President and Assignor, Bill Tunney on the announcement that he has been named a life member within the Hamilton District Baseball Association (HDBA). This announcement came at the Annual General Meeting of the HDBA on November 18, 2015.

Bill has been involved within the baseball community for the better part of the last 38 years, getting his start umpiring house league games at the age of 12 years old. During this time, Bill was also a volunteer at the canteen for Mahoney while also playing in their rep baseball program. Bill Umpired his first rep baseball game in Hamilton doing a Mosquito Base at Highview Park in 1979. During the 1979 season, Bill was asked to be a Director on the HBUA Executive along with a fellow younger umpire. By his second year on the executive he was asked to take a try at the assigning of umpires within Hamilton, which he has done ever since. Bill has been an integral part of the success of the HBUA over his time involved. Bill has helped put the HBUA on the map as one of the top and most respected umpiring associations in the province

Bill has also been involved with Mahoney Park as a coach within their house league division and has always been a great liaison between the HDBA and the HBUA. Bill is a model member of the baseball community not only within Hamilton but within the province of Ontario as well. We want to take this time thank Bill for all his accomplishments and his dedication to fostering the sport of baseball within this great city and province. From everyone at the HBUA, thank you for all that you have done and continue to do and congratulations on this most recent accomplishment.